Community - Header
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Community - Description

Solo qui, a DAMAC Hills 2, troverai 5 zone tematiche piene di divertimento e relax. Vieni a visitare Water Town per sdraiarti sulla spiaggia o cavalcare un’onda, Sports Town per tenerti in forma e in salute, fai un giro a Equestrian Town e visita il mercato agricolo (Farmers’ Market), o a Motor Town per provare a fare una corsa sulla pista di go-kart. Termina in bellezza a Downtown per goderti gli stupendi giardini e per mangiare qualcosa.

Community - Summary
Un fantastico intrattenimento aspetta solo te.
Community - Exclusive Offers Title
Exclusive offers
Community - Location
Dubailand, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Community - Location Title Text
Community - Location Subtitle
The Community
Community - Location Image
DAMAC HILLS 2-Master Plan-Location Map
Community - Location Description

DAMAC Hills 2 si trova in una posizione davvero strategica, abbastanza lontana dalla città ma comunque abbastanza vicina alle principali attrazioni. Questo ti permette di vivere la calma e la tranquillità una volta a casa e di trovare il divertimento e l’intrattenimento necessario, dove ne avrai voglia, senza mai spostarti troppo.

Community - Construction Updates Image
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
DAMAC HILLS 2 at Dubailand by DAMAC Properties
Community - Explore Our Other Community Title
Un fantastico intrattenimento aspetta solo te.
Community - Meta Title
DAMAC Hills 2 Community - Master plan & Location Map - DAMAC Properties
Community - Meta Description
A unique master community with luxury homes surrounded by water features, sports amenities and leisure experiences
Community - Meta Keyword
Community - Nearby Location Reference
Community - Nearby Subtitle
DAMAC Hills - Where life finds you
Community - Brand
Community - Amenities and Advantages Subtitle
Everything you look for in a community, now in a community
Community - Brand Title
Our brand partners
Community - Search Image
Community - Location Image High Resolution
DAMAC HILLS 2-Master Plan-Location Map
Community - about the community
DH2 Community
Community - plan
DH2 Community Map
Community - master community description


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